Sylvia's POV:

From the darkness came a peal of muffled laughter. "Sylvia, is this the connection between our hearts and souls? The power of the bloodline is indeed indisputable."

"We are worlds apart. I belong to the werewolf race." I watched with my stern eyes as Noreen emerged out of the dark. I had expected this to happen and didn't intend to call for help. Because I knew it would be pointless.

"Are you denying your origin? The black witch bloodline is nothing to be ashamed of. If more, it's something you should be proud of." Noreen chuckled with pride and confidence. With a light clap of her hands, all the candles in the hall were extinguished. Seconds later, she clapped her hands again and the candles flared to life once more.

It seemed as if she was trying to impress me, but I just found her eagerness to show off so ridiculous.

I was rendered speechless upon seeing what she had done. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it was she was flaunting.

"You see that? The black witch bloodline is extremely strong, much stronger than that of the werewolf race." Noreen looked arrogant, as if she didn't understand me at all. "You don't feel proud of having such a powerful bloodline, but to hate and deny it... You are just so plain stupid."

A frown etched on my face as I asked in a gloomy tone, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

answered innocently, "I

I should be grateful

thing as fate, then it is your fate to die in my hands one

if mocking at my innocence. "I like your naivety and arrogance. But you seem to have wrongly blamed all your misfortune on me." "Of course,

people you love and the ones who love you are bound to leave you someday. Both of your parents are the same. Rufus isn't any different from

a glare and didn't believe even a single

will figure out a

such great power. There's no other

her words, I couldn't help raising my voice. "You are lying!

me, we have never seen our fathers since we were born. They have all become the nourishment of the black thorn for falling in love with a black witch! This is the price our race must pay

don't believe it! You're lying!" I was about to lose it at this point. Perhaps it was because, deep down, I knew that what

trying to find a cure

thorn on Rufus'

temperature dropped precipitously, and I felt a cold force surging into my body. This sensation was all too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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