Sylvia's POV:

Warren wailed miserably. I had never seen him break down like this. Even when he had fallen off the cliff in the forbidden forest and was severely injured, he hadn't shed a single tear.

He looked awful and had lost a lot of weight in just a few days.

Fortunately, Flora was with him, which would give him some comfort.

Owen and Edwin were also in the same state. Edwin seemed to suddenly have aged ten years, with grey hair sprouting all over his head. He stood behind Owen, not speaking a word. He just stared blankly out the window, as if his soul had already departed with Leonard.

Standing next to me, Rufus gently held me in his arms, his face lined with worry. Perhaps he was afraid that I would lose control of my emotions as well.

I shook my head subtly, indicating that I was fine. My throat felt sore and my eyes were dry. I knew I had no more tears left to shed.

the service, the priest asked everyone to bring flowers

Owen approached Rufus, wanting to discuss something about the

few words to

flowers and continued to wait

gently placed the ones I was holding on his chest. As I did this, I noticed that the walking cane I had put beside

turned out to be

the stage, Alina came closer to me and whispered, "Are you looking for the walking cane? Ha-ha, I threw it away. I

argue with

was beating down harshly. Alina was still

going to tattle to Rufus again? That's

froze in my tracks


lips into a thin line and sneered at her. "What? Are you jealous that I have a mate to rely on?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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