Sylvia's POV:

When I arrived at my residence, I happened to see Rufus walk out of the room.

He looked anxious. He probably thought I got kidnapped by Noreen again.

"I saw you talking to the guests just now, so I went out to get some fresh air. I didn't see you when I came back," I said as I guiltily scratched my nose.

I didn't tell him that I had talked to Edwin because I rarely ever talked to that man. Telling Rufus the truth would only arouse his suspicion, especially when I came to Edwin all of a sudden. I didn't want Rufus to

go and talk to him as well. Edwin had always been respectful toward Rufus. Even though Edwin wasn't aware of the curse, he might say something that might arouse Rufus' suspicion.

Rufus breathed a sigh of relief when I explained myself. He didn't doubt my words. He just took me inside the room and told me the investigation results.

same time, two witnesses saw Chet rushing inside Leonard's room. If we're not mistaken, Noreen probably controlled him." "Hold on..." I furrowed my

what happened except for her. Where exactly did

the witnesses died

an accident? Right

conceal the truth by killing the witnesses. After all, a dagger laced with

it. Leonard's death probably isn't entirely attributed to Noreen."

of what happened that year. My mother's choice to be with Leonard made Noreen feel betrayed,

else would want to

Owen wouldn't do something like that. I highly

Was it Alina?

was, I knew she didn't have it in her to kill her own father. Not to mention, Leonard said that he and Alina didn't have any problems with each other anymore. That their relationship

thought away. I didn't want to overthink things

one of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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