Sylvia's POV:

Rufus had a meeting that afternoon, so I had to go to the hospital by myself to pick up the little wolf pup.

Despite Rufus' efforts to have a driver and some guards arranged for me, I wanted to keep a low profile. I just asked the driver to take me to the hospital and then send him away along with the guards. A specific wing of the Royal Hospital was dedicated to animal care. I noticed cats and dogs wandering within the fence as soon as I stepped foot into the hall on the first floor.

Squatting by the elevator, I picked up a kitten and petted its fur. Although its hair was not as soft and smooth as Rufus' when he turned into a giant wolf, it still felt lovely.

Thinking of this, I reached out to pet the kitten on the chin, but it turned its head away arrogantly. It seemed to have read my mind. It meowed and then walked away gracefully, flaunting its buttocks. I blinked my eyes, getting the impression that the kitten did not like me.

Without giving it much thought, I quickly pressed the elevator button and went to the fifth floor to pick up the little wolf pup.

thicker, and it seemed more vigorous. Perhaps it was well-fed in the hospital. From a distance, it looked like a little fluffy ball. My heart leaped with joy as I reached out and stroked it. There was nothing in the world cuter than a

had mechanical appendages attached to its disabled hind legs, which looked cool and handsome. After a

forbidden forest again, feeling as if


over, followed by two wolf pups. They ran with their

pup in my arms

sensing something. She slowly and deliberately rose up, arms

feeling spread through my heart. Rin must have sensed that I was pregnant, so she didn't rush to me like she would always do. She did the same thing the last time she met Flora. Right away, I squatted down, embraced her, and

very much. Her other children were all very healthy and lively. They were only curious about the wolf pup with artificial limbs and didn't show any outright revulsion. The three wolf pups soon got familiar with each other and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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