Sylvia's POV:

The doctor let out an embarrassed laugh. "I see you already know about it, Miss Todd."

"Yes, I do. Now, just tell me the truth and advise me on what need to do for my baby. I promise I'll pay more attention."

The doctor nodded. "Alright, Miss Todd."

After that, he told me a lot of things, such as getting proper rest and having a good state of mind. He also told me about doing exercises every day, eating lots of fruits and veggies for natural vitamins, avoiding radiation, and having regular prenatal examinations.

"Another unique method of the werewolf race is to transform into a wolf and bask in the sun with your mate," he added.

I gave him a bewildered look when I heard that.

I didn't mind basking in the sun with Rufus, but I just didn't understand why doing so was good for my pregnancy.

was the one carrying the baby, not Rufus. How would basking in the sun with him benefit

the parents. In your case, the baby will be able to feel


give it the benefit of the doubt. How would I be able to

now, then. Please don't tell Rufus that I've been here. Or else, I'll tell him that you were the

again and nodded. Before I left, I happened to notice sweat trickling down his forehead, which

felt relieved. Our baby was doing better than I

to leave soon and take care of my child alone

to Harry. I didn't have anything to do during the afternoon, so I went downtown alone and brought lots of clothes for Rufus. Ethan amply rewarded all the soldiers who did a good job last time when we were on the border. Just like me, Flora and Harry had also been rewarded. The

sense was quite old-fashioned, so I decided to give her a favor

the silk

for her. She didn't expect me to buy her gifts. Not to mention, she told me that was the first time someone had ever bought

warm, loving hug. "I'm sure you'll receive more gifts in the

me. She decided to return the favor by heading straight to the kitchen to make my

most direct way for her to show her appreciation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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