Sylvia's POV:

I hesitated for a few moments before answering the call, and talked to him as usual.

His deep pleasant voice washed over me. He told me that he missed me and that the meeting was over.

In fact, I already knew from Blair that the meeting had ended, but I still had to pretend to be surprised. "The meeting ended so early! Does that mean we can get to the restaurant early?"

There was a long pause. Then Rufus' apologetic voice came through. "I'm sorry, Sylvia. I wanted to come home earlier, but I have other plans. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel our date tonight."

"It's fine. We can go there some other day. Anyway, it's not like the restaurant is going to shut down soon," I joked, trying to cheer him up.

I could sense Rufus' guilt as he sighed. "We'll go together next time. I'll be back after finishing my work. I want to eat spaghetti with shrimp tonight. Will you cook it for me?"

throat and bitterness surged in my heart. I

call. He gave me a surprised look. "Why are your eyes red? Have

I'm just a little tired. My eyes are sore." I lowered

into the changing room and came out in street clothes with a baseball cap on his head. Something seemed to suddenly strike him. He spun

expected him to be so perceptive. How did he

my head. "How can that be? Of course,

behind and refine the bug that could eat Rufus' memories away, I would just disappear from his world. In this way, I hoped his love for me would die with time. As long

his sharp eyes, wondering if I was telling

my lie, so I urged him to leave.

no choice but to end the conversation

us were dressed in hats and dark-colored clothes. We successfully

go to my

the city, we can easily reach your pack," Blair explained concisely. Then he guided me to a small trail, avoiding the main

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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