Sylvia's POV:

"Maya, why are you here?"

My gaze shifted to the person being pinned on the ground by Rufus, and I felt my heart ache. Even though I was already prepared for this, I still couldn't help but break down.

Maya looked flustered. She knelt on the ground and began spouting incoherent words.

Rufus took out the shackles and locked Maya's hands together. Then, he glared at her and coldly asked, "Do you still want to defend yourself?"

Tears began streaming down Maya's cheeks. "Prince Rufus, it wasn't me! I didn't do it!"

She quickly shifted her gaze at me. "Miss Todd, please trust me. I didn't mean to do that!"

you mean to do, then? You've been trying everything you could to make me suffer. I already gave you a chance, but you still came here

really don't know what's wrong with me. I


possible that Noreen had been controlling

and shook his head, indicating for me to observe her a

would say something that I didn't want to say, and by the time I realized it, it was already too late. I'm truly sorry. I know I've let you down. If my death can make up

said that, she stood up and

what she was going to do, I hurriedly went to her side and wrapped my

just let me die!" Maya cried

I said, trying to comfort her.

at me. "I want to make up for everything I did, Miss Todd. How can

to the side of her face. "Do you remember

down and pondered about it for a while,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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