Sylvia's POV:

The fire that was consuming Noreen intensified. It soon engulfed her body, leaving only her head unscathed.

Noreen let out a painful yell. The blood that splattered across her face gave her a frightening appearance.

"Sylvia, please spare my life. I promise I will stay away from you from now on. I won't get involved in your life any more. If you keep me alive, I will do whatever you say. Just please spare me this time." Tears streamed down Noreen's face as she now finally tasted fear.

But her words didn't soften my heart. Instead, I looked at her coldly without saying a word or moving half a step, allowing her to be devoured by the flames.

Noreen crawled on the ground, grabbed the hem of my trousers, and begged, "Pull out the dagger! Please, Sylvia. I'm your only family left in the world! For the sake of your mother, please save me!"

last." "You're going to die a horrible death, Sylvia! I will make sure of that!" Noreen's eyeballs sprang out of her head as she rolled around in pain. The dagger was still functionally positioned on her chest. The next moment, a golden light shone through her body,

emerged from a corner. She covered her mouth and nose with her hands, trying not to get choked by the thick smoke. When the fire burned Noreen, a strange smell filled the

the last problem I had to deal with." I wasn't entirely resolved as I watched the soaring flames, I was actually not very relaxed.

do you need me to do

shook my head and responded,

to leave. Now that we've come to this point, we need to put a closure to everything." I pretended to smile with relief, but deep down,

charred corpse. She still had the dagger stuck in her chest, but it wasn't scorched down. Instead, the sheen on the blade was even brighter. When Laura turned at the burned remains of

the gardenia-flavored balm out of my pocket and handed it

I remember Leonard used to like it too." "Yes, I've grown fond of it lately. I feel as if he is still around whenever I catch a whiff of gardenia," I said,

and wrapped her hands around me. "Everything will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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