Crystal's POV:

With the exception of the cars owned by the royal family, all other vehicles had to go through a thorough inspection. Once checked and approved, only then would the cars be allowed to enter the imperial palace. It had been so long since I last stepped foot in these grounds, but right now, I was entering the palace as an Alpha. I had become accustomed to how I was living my life the past few years that it had slipped my mind how strict the palace was when receiving visitors.

I did not apply for approval in advance, so I had to walk to the gate to have my arrival recognized. I slid out of the car, grabbing an umbrella on my way out, and strode towards where the guard was. The rain brought gloom as it poured hard, but I maintained a smile intended for business cracked on my face before I handed the guard my ID card and job certificate.

The other party curtly bowed in my presence. He took what I handed over with respect before giving me a confused look. "You're an Alpha and you haven't applied for a pass?"

"My coming over was rather unplanned, so I forgot to apply for an immediate pass." I pushed an awkward cough, bringing my free hand to touch my mask. It was an unnecessary explanation since he was only a guard, but I felt the need to somehow defend myself.

"Please wait here for a minute. I'll let your car pass for now, and you can apply later," the guard said as he returned my belongings. He was rather enthused and complacent than strict. After making sure that I got back my card and certificate, he ran to the back and talked with another guard who was in charge of the cars that were checked and approved for passage.

feel a little inconceivable at the same time. When did the guards here become so complacent

long time since I had been here, so a

who had checked on my document slipped into a white patrol car and led the

the white palace was. No vehicle was permitted to enter beyond the point we were at, so we

surroundings, I let the guard warmly acquainted me with the area. With the way he was briefing me, it seemed he completely thought it was my first time being there. He even considerately told me what foods I should be trying and the places I should be visiting

was immersed in what he was talking about. I guess I did not have the heart to break to him that I was

palaces, and each palace has its own unique characteristics. You can pay a visit to them later."

stopped pouring and was replaced by a gust of wind blowing my hair

me and led us up the white marble steps. The widely opened palace door gave us a sneak peek of how resplendent and magnificent the inside was. The night was starting to eat the light away when we arrived earlier coupled with the rain, so the lights were naturally on in the palace. As we ascended the classy perron, the servants were lined up, waiting at

will commence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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