Rufus' POV:

The masked she-wolf claimed to be the girl's mother, but my first instinct was to not believe her. However, when I saw the sadness in her eyes, I couldn't help but feel that she was telling the truth. The girl in my arms slumped her shoulders. It seemed she was also in a bad mood.

The she-wolf's hand holding the candies slowly dropped to her side, and her dark green eyes were full of disappointment. At this moment, my heart inexplicably softened. Before I could stop myself, I suddenly blurted, "You're married?"

The second those two words left my mouth, I regretted it. Her personal affairs had nothing to do with me.

Just then, I happened to meet the she-wolf's eyes. Her beautiful eyes looked just like the little girl's.

At that moment, I finally believed they were indeed mother and daughter.

The she-wolf started to shake her head at first, but then she seemed to realize something and nodded awkwardly instead.

her suspiciously. Something wasn't right about her reaction. Before

and eloped with another she-wolf

looked angry. It seemed that she

irritable. I didn't know why. It was a feeling more difficult to deal with than

promised to be with me for the rest of his life would suddenly change his mind. But fortunately, I have my Beryl. She's the greatest gift God has given me." With tears in her eyes, the she-wolf looked at the little girl

self-esteem and vigilance. One false move and I'd get the opposite

in my heart and felt pity for the little girl. The little girl lost her father before she was even born, and her mother was so careless and not reliable. After all, how

girl in my arms rested her head on my shoulder. She seemed to be

and wanted to take the girl. I pursed my lips and

girl had fallen asleep now, and she no longer resisted the she-wolf's

The she-wolf looked a little anxious.

my doubts about the she-wolf were dispelled. So

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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