Crystal's POV: Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Rufus' words made my heart beat violently, like a withered tree in a desert suddenly being watered by rain. I felt a mixture of happiness and worry. Rain never lasted long, and I also knew that anything I discarded would be lost forever.

"Have you ever felt that you have lost your memory fragments? When you meet someone or see something, have you felt an instant sense of familiarity that you couldn't explain?" Rufus looked at me calmly. His question made me feel nervous despite the friendly tone of our conversation.

"Why made you say that? You lost your memory?" I asked while staring directly into Rufus' eyes, afraid of reading a doubt there.

Rufus blinked and smiled. There was no confusion in his eyes, and he looked more certain.

a child. Maybe those familiar scenes have appeared in my dreams before. Sometimes I am just too tired

said with a smile, "Then that should be your illusion, Your Majesty. Please take care of yourself and have enough rest. Don't overwork

Alpha for a while and had learned social graces, I was still uncomfortable giving public praise, especially to a

his enemy or lover now, I might as well just be

flatter him, "Back when I was a kid, I looked up to you so much. One day, I hope to grow into someone as admirable

don't you? You even want to become a king like me." Rufus gave

at all! Rufus was really good at this. No matter what I said,

for a while and answered weakly, "I won't do that. All I want is to be as strong and

the case, let's fight on the training ground. Show me what you're made of." "No, no, no. I'm not wearing suitable

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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