Rufus' POV:

The conversation between me and my mother sounded each other out, but neither of us got the information we wanted.

My wolf, Omar, couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you just question your mother about the real relationship between her and Crystal? Instinct tells me that she has the answers to your questions. You two should just talk about it frankly."

"There's no need to rush. They're hiding something from me, and they'll keep fabricating lies the more questions I ask them. It's better to pretend not to know anything and just wait for them to expose themselves," I countered.

After a short pause, Omar mused, "When I saw Crystal's wolf today, I felt a sense of familiarity, but I can't tell why I had that feeling."

Hearing this, I didn't say anything. Truth be told, I felt the same way as Omar did. I even had the inexplicable urge to stay close to Crystal. Fortunately, logic overpowered my emotions.

The more I learned about Crystal, the more unsolved puzzles kept me up. It would take some time to solve them all, but I had plenty of patience and time.

I sent Blair to the border so that he could look deeper into Crystal's background. I doubted an elusive she-wolf like her would have a clean past.

down the jerk who had abandoned her. Unless he was dead, I wouldn't rest until he

then, Beryl groaned in my mother's arms, pulling me back to my

opened her eyes and looked at

mother gently patted her back and

asked, "What am I doing here, Grandma? I feel like

dad and I thought you were

nodded, but she didn't fully grasp what my mother was saying. She didn't say anything more and simply rested her head on my mother's shoulder,

"Are you hungry? I'll have someone prepare you some food." "Yes, I'm starving! Can I have noodles, Daddy?" Beryl yawned

and asked someone to prepare some food, specifically asking that it be served in a bowl painted with rabbits

liked rabbits on her clothes, but also wanted rabbits on her shower gel packaging, her bowls

I gave up on the idea when I saw online that a child's finger was bitten

chatting with Beryl. Beryl had recovered and was fully awake now. She giggled when my mother tickled her. She

aside, sipping coffee while waiting for the food. Suddenly, something occurred to Beryl. She tugged at my mother's sleeve and asked, "Grandma, didn't that masked

Then she picked the girl up and carried her out to the dining room. While walking, she said loudly, "Beryl, you're hungry, right? Grandma will take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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