Crystal's POV:

I walked up to Firman, helped him up from the ground, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his face.

I could feel the little boy trembling with fear as he looked at me. "Thank... Thank you."

I smiled at him gently. "You're welcome. If something like this happens again in the future, go to your teacher, okay?"

Firman stuck out his lower lip and lowered his head sadly. "I can't. There are too many of them."

The despair in his words pricked my heart. I could recall being in the same situation, bullied and abused as a young child.

I took a deep breath and comforted him. "Trust me. At least they'll know that they'll be punished if they're ever mean to you again."

be a student here. If they bully you, I'll

her chin and said proudly, "No need to thank me. It's

reach out to touch Beryl's head, but

withdrew my hand awkwardly and wondered why Beryl was avoiding me

Rufus cast a sidelong glance at me. In fact, it seemed

mask dubiously and murmured, "Really?

my mysterious image. It was shaped like a purple

anymore, as though he

two lollipops from my pocket. One for Firman

took his obediently. "Thank

and turned

the little girl refused my lollipop. She buried her head

Baby Beryl? It's Mommy. Why don't you want to talk to me?" Feeling wronged, I tried to get near her. I didn't know what I had done

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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