Rufus' POV:

The invisible barrier shielded me from the outside. No one could set up such an enchanted barrier except for witches and wizards.

I took a couple of steps back and closed my eyes as I willed the lycan power in my body to feel around my surroundings and take in whatever detail was worth noting. I could tell that the barrier had just been set up, and that the air inside was much denser than in other areas.

I opened my eyes and had a theory of my own. It was probably Crystal.

No outsider was allowed to step foot in this place, and it was far away from the imperial palace. Crystal said she just got lost and stumbled here? What a big fat lie!

If it hadn't been for my informant, I would never have guessed that she would come to the forbidden forest, either. But why had she come? And how could a person who had lived at the border for most of her life be so familiar around this place?

suspect that the she-wolf had something to do with the witches, after all. Otherwise, why was there a

matter more closely, I suddenly heard a noise from the

immediately became vigilant. "Who is there?" I

through the trees. It didn't look like human, but rather like a giant

senses, and then I slowly walked

save for the soft rustle of the leaves above me. If I hadn't seen the shadowy monster for myself, I would have thought that I

huge beast had jumped out of the bushes

it was a gray wolf with thick fur. I quickly stepped to the side to dodge its

stood at the very spot I

my mind. "Rufus, let me out! I'll take care of that wolf! I haven't seen such an interesting prey in a long time. Although, this wolf

respond. Instead, I calculated the amount of time it would take to kill this wolf. Despite Omar's words, the wolf wasn't small. Perhaps

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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