Crystal's POV:

The new speculation left me upset for a long time and I couldn't reign in my agitation.

My mind flashed back to my first year as Alpha. I had gone to negotiate with Hudson on behalf of my pack. When I met Hudson that day, his condition was worse than I had expected. He was huddled in a black robe, looking like he was on his deathbed. He was frail, and his prominent hand bones were horribly deformed. Thanks to the curse, he could only lean weakly against the chair.

I greeted him with a smile, but he stared at me with a clenched jaw. His lifeless face under his hood twitched subtly, and he looked eager to charge at me and tear me into pieces.

witches. I was not scared of Hudson, who was suffering from the black death curse. Even if I stood within

bag. I waved the paper in front of his despondent eyes to

that moment on, the vampires and werewolves would not break the peace, and they would no longer invade the other's territory. Both sides agreed to these terms for

face, he finally picked up the pen and signed his name with a bleak expression.

five years, the border had been safe and sound. As expected, the vampires had honored their side of the agreement and never entered werewolf territory. I gradually relaxed. I didn't keep the

Blair had lifted naturally now that Noreen was gone. Did this also mean that Hubson was free of the black death curse? Hubson was so crafty. He had been pretending to be weak all this time, while he was actually

probably regained his strength. Maybe he is hatching a secret plot. You must stay alert." There was a moment of silence on the phone. Blair seemed to be deep in thought. A few seconds later, his voice rang

two spies

gasped loudly. "So the vampires have already infiltrated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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