Crystal's POV:

"What's the matter?" Sorrell's face remained devoid of any color. Beneath him, his foot was completely impaled by the letter opener, but there was no blood. Not even a single drop.

I said nothing more. I merely took a couple of steps forward and braced myself. When I was sure that he was distracted, I lunged at him.

Sorrell was slow to react. He managed to dodge my attack at the last minute, but his movements were stiff. I chased after him and landed a kick on his knees. He crumpled to the ground, and the cracking sound of broken bones filled the room. It wasn't until I had pinned him down that I noticed Sorell's body was stone-cold. He was cold all over.

He didn't even struggle against me. He simply slumped there, his head hung low, as if he were already dead.

Sure enough, when I touched the base of his neck, I found no pulse. I dislodged the letter opener from his foot. Neither the blade nor the wound was stained with blood. I pried the wound open and found that the flesh inside had already dried up and was starting to decompose.

was a dead

corpse was still speaking to me, asking repeatedly what was happening

body. Only the black witches and the vampires had the ability to control the dead. Noreen was gone, and most of the black

only left the vampires. If Sorrell had been dead for some time, that would explain how the report about their pack being attacked was fabricated. The vampires simply wanted to lure Rufus

in danger at this very moment. My heart clenched as a fiery wave of anxiety rushed through my veins. I needed to find him as soon as possible. I was turning to

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sending pieces of rotting flesh all over the room. The foul bodily fluids were splattered on the walls, and the mere whiff

touched, and I knew then that it was toxic. I wasted no time and used my witchcraft to form a crystal ball and use it to keep the horrendous mass from leaking out. It seemed that this room was no longer usable. Just then, I heard a loud thud from above. I turned into a wolf and crashed through the window. I leaped out into the terrace and onto the roof. As expected, I found a vampire peeping through the ceiling with some kind of controlling device in

and bared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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