Crystal's POV:

I froze in place, terrified that Rufus had finally woken up. A few seconds passed. I slowly turned around, only to find him still unconscious. Rufus had simply been talking in his sleep.

I breathed a sigh of relief, though I did not dare to stay in the cave for a moment longer. I yanked my hand free from Rufus' grip, and then sprinted away as fast as I could.

I didn't even chance a backward glance. Rufus had a keen sense of his surroundings. I needed to put some distance between us, or he would immediately track me down using my scent.

I belatedly looked down at my naked body and felt my face grew hot.

If I had known this would happen, I would have left at least my undershirt on. As it was, I was mortified by my state of undress.

worse, I heard the sound of voices and footsteps coming from the woods. I quickly turned into my wolf form and hid in the thickets to see who it was. They were soldiers, a

Rufus' men were here to rescue him, I could be at ease. However, the

and stepped on the leaves,

of the soldiers looked around, and

a squirrel," his comrade replied. "Come on, we must hurry and find the

direction. There was no track leading to the cave, and the vicinity was pretty remote even inside the forest, so none of the soldiers thought to head

this point. I grabbed a branch and threw it over. It landed on the feet of who I presumed to be the head of the troops. He was wearing a gray and blue uniform, which was unique and different from the others'. The man picked up the branch and looked in my direction. I revealed my tail, pretending to be a forest critter, before disappearing back into the woods. Still, to my utter

back to the spot where I had left them, they were still wandering around

bunch of

let out a tiny howl, and then used witchcraft

turned into something else besides

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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