Crystal's POV:

I remained among the crowd, awaiting word for Rufus'. If Rufus was returning to the imperial capital, as everyone had said, he would have to travel through here.

It was around dawn when I caught a glimpse of a convoy of cars making their way towards the city walls. It was Rufus' convoy.

Roughly twenty or thirty military vehicles led the way, covering and shielding the three black off-road vehicles in the center. I squeezed through the crowd and made my way to the front. Immediately, I spotted Rufus' car. There seemed to be someone else in it with him. I frowned and wished I could get a better look, but the car had already driven off.

The person must be one of Rufus' subordinates. I rubbed my head and tried not to think too much into it. Then I tailed the convoy and headed back to the imperial capital.

The convoy sped off and was quickly out of sight. But to my luck, I spotted a beat-up motorcycle on the side of the road and rode it all the way back. When I arrived at the imperial palace, it was almost noon. I rushed to Laura's palace, only to find no one there. She must have gone to Rufus' palace.

With that in mind, I made my way to the lycan king's palace but didn't go in. I merely asked a guard at the door about Rufus' condition.

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guard recognized me and answered, "His Majesty is fine. The doctor said that

I breathed a sigh of relief and bid goodbye to

you're leaving already? Don't you need me to

no need for me to see them unless it was absolutely necessary. To be honest, I wasn't even sure whether Rufus had noticed me when he woke up. It would be a bad idea for me to wander around

confusion. "So you just came here to ask about the king's condition? Why don't you take

Meanwhile, my eyes kept wandering to the door of the palace.

to pretend that I didn't

two soldiers walked out of the palace while talking enthusiastically. They

anxiety, dread as well as excitement. I was terrified that Rufus would find out it was me. But at the same time, I didn't want him to not know anything of my heroic act Although I knew it was best that he didn't know anything, I still couldn't help but

like a wretched creature hiding in the dark, desperately seeking exposure to the light despite knowing the

here today if the she-wolf hadn't come to his rescue. His wounds would have

the most severe injury I've ever seen. His Majesty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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