Rufus' POV:

The girl's presence immediately calmed my pouncing head. Even my soul felt warm just by having her close.

A faint voice inside my head told me that it was time to wake up.

And so, I opened my eyes, only to flinch and squint from the bright light that flooded the room. It took me a while to finally get adjusted and take in my surroundings.

The clock on the wall said that it was just a little after eight in the morning. I had no idea how it happened, but I was back in my former palace. Despite my slight confusion, I felt refreshed and at peace for the first time in as long as I could remember.

A soft, rustling sound broke through my thoughts, and I turned to see a petite woman sleeping soundly next to me. I must have disturbed her when I'd moved earlier. She had her back to me as she burrowed deeper into the blankets. It was an adorable sight, one that I wouldn't mind seeing every morning.

I basked in the knowledge that this she-wolf was my wife.

And then the confusion washed over me again. Did I ever have a wife?

Deep in my heart, I had this sincerity that I had a mate whom I loved deeply. We had been married for several years, and were utterly devoted to each other.

I leaned over and turned her toward me, desperate to see her face. But all her features blurred in my vision.

then did I realize that I was

yet, everything felt so real. Even the idea that I was married didn't feel foreign to me at all. It terrified me a little. The remaining sense


name sounded like heaven on her tongue. She reached for me, her slender arms snaking around my neck as she nuzzled her head against my chest. That sweet, familiar scent instantly came over me, taking over my senses. I felt myself sinking back into

a dream at all. It couldn't

in my hands and kissed her. The touch of her tongue against mine immediately lit me on fire. It was a wonderful

but she soon kissed me back with equal passion, her arms tightening

we kissed, but I knew that it wasn't nearly long enough.

again," she said in a cute, begrudging

words seemed to

me, and

to crush her. And I did feel that

again. "Why

Rufus? Are you

my waist. I acted on reflex, pulling her

between our

clothes. I swallowed a lump in my throat and tried to say something, but no words

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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