Rufus' POV:

"Who do you think you are to say something like that?"

I looked down my nose at Crystal, who bristled in front of me. For the first time, her meddling put me in a good mood.

I did my best to hide it, though, and maintained my cold manner toward her. "You are in no position to tell me who I can and cannot marry. Adela is the mate designated to me by the Moon Goddess. And you? You are nothing to me."

Crystal looked stunned and helpless by my words. She then let out a short, angry sigh, looking like a cat whose tail I had just trampled on. "Yes, that's right!" she burst out angrily. "It is indeed not my place to interfere with your personal affairs. You can take care of it yourself! Let's see what will happen in a month's time!"

Then she turned on her heel and stomped away.

I had lost count of the times she had walked out on me before I'd even dismissed her. And that tone of hers just now, it was certainly no way to talk to her king.

By all rights, I should be outraged by her defiance, but oddly enough, I wasn't. In all honestly, I didn't find anything wrong with her attitude. But I did know that if it had been someone else, I would have made sure that they never had the chance to speak to me like that again.

Crystal opened the door to leave the kitchen, and I felt a tug at my chest. I didn't want us to part ways so soon.

intentions and think badly of me. And so, before I even knew what

Crystal pause, but only for a brief moment. She still pushed through the

after she was gone, sinking in that inexplicable sense of regret that I wasn't able to keep

had bewitched me. It was the only plausible reason why I was acting less and less myself. I kept doing things

my mind, sweeping me back into the illusion. It hit me, then, that the voice of the girl in my dream had an uncanny similarity to that of

lips. I shook my head in denial, and tried to dismiss the thought.

abated, the girl appeared in my vision again, but this time, she finally had a face. My heart stuttered at the sight of Crystal's face staring back

she-wolf?" The girl had her hands on

tiny, red mole in the corner

one of her eyes.

unable to keep up with the questions and presumptions that were racing in

and the girl's figure shifted. Now, she had

said, "Rufus, you're going to be a

in my chest in tandem to the pounding in my

"No... Stop

in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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