Lucy's POV:

After reasoning with her, Adela finally gave up the idea of sounding Rufus out.

I didn't have the patience to pander to her idiocy much longer, so after giving her a few more words of comfort, I immediately sent her away.

Once she was gone, I went to the study on the second floor. I removed the knick-knacks lining one of the shelves and took out a metal key from a hidden grove. I inserted it to its designated keyhole and let myself into the adjoining secret room.

It was by no means a large space, just a cozy nook I used to store Kyle's ashes.

Back then, I had sent someone to collect Kyle's body in secret, but all that was left at the site were a pile of bones. He had long been devoured by wild beasts.

I stroked the carved lines on the urn before pressing my lips against its surface. If Richard hadn't meddled with us, I might have had a complete and happy family right now. Firman wouldn't suffer public criticism and bullying, and we wouldn't be living such a pathetic and miserable life.

I took a deep breath to steady my emotions. I had lost count of the times I had come here and wept, but I still cried whenever I thought of Kyle.

I missed him so much. I would give anything to have him back, alive and safe.

and gone

all-Richard, Rufus, Crystal, and my cruel

new pawn of a daughter could help him achieved his ambition. No one cared whether I was alive or dead, and I almost didn't, either. All I

to impossible to make a single move without a strong backer. Although Firman was acknowledged as a member of the royal family, his association with Richard deemed him deserving to

fists. I wanted to punish everyone who had dared to lay a hand on my son. I wanted to kill

the worse was the fact that I couldn't even get

would only be submitting myself to certain death if I was too

any children in the last five years. As long as Rufus never bore an heir,

been drugging

the scented

it every time she visited, not knowing that it would make her infertile. It. was also one

secure in

never pose a

I was a kind, magnanimous person under my rough exterior. I counted myself lucky

and self-centered. I needed some time to rein her in and hone her wit to keep her

this afternoon, and my heart suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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