Arron's POV:

The children screamed as the boy's legs were chopped off. The scene was bloody and terrifying.

"Sally, take the boy away." The werewolf with the red clown mask turned to the only she-wolf in the room, and remarked with evident glee. Sally, the she-wolf, kicked the bloody limbs with disgust. "Useless. Given his frail build, he wouldn't last long in the circus. What a waste." Then, she kicked the boy aside.

Seeing the boy's bleeding wounds and realizing he wouldn't survive horrified me.

The two male werewolves, examined the spilled blood and didn't seem satisfied with just one kill. So they walked over to pick the next one.

"Find the loudest one!" one of the werewolves suggested.

The children, shaking with fright, hastily covered their mouths and held back their cries.

I cowered in the corner, covering my mouth so as not to make a sound. Among this group of kids, I seemed to be the smallest. The older kids squatted in front of me, successfully diverting the attention of the kidnappers.

Three adults walked around us, examining us as if they were picking out items in a store.

"I think this kid is mute. He hasn't made a sound this whole time." Sally grabbed a thin, brown-haired kid and shook him like a chick. "Say something and let me hear you."

The skinny kid shook violently out of fear. He cleared his throat and managed to sputter out a few words.

he approached, he gave the skinny boy a sharp pinch on the face. "Call me daddy, and I'll let you

made a valiant effort to speak, but he was having trouble finding

"How pitiful! You couldn't even

don't make


You are best-suited

just a

with the red clown mask decided the fate of

who stared at each

knew, but

had read. Vampires, I had heard, severed human limbs, made them

that kind of pain was

I knew that if I did nothing,

is a blind one!" Sally

or seven years old. She was

and said, "Cutting off her

to the brothel then. Some rich people with quite a specific taste will like her."

mask werewolf laughed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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