Arron's POV:

The racket made by the kids seemed to stimulate the kidnappers even more. Sally herself almost doubled over in laughter when she saw me crying. She pinched my cheek and said, "So, you know whatfearis, after all. I thought you were brave, hmm?" I let myself tremble, and then let out a couple of sobs.

Sally peered at me with interest, as if she had found a rare toy. "Go on, call me 'Mommy' again."

I swallowed my indignation and shouted the word. I felt guilty toward my real Mommy, but there was no other way. If I continued to rebel, these evil people might hurt me.

Sally chortled again before telling me to cry louder.

So I did. I would have liked to think that I was simply acting, but I couldn't deny that some of my fears and sorrows were genuine.

I missed Mommy. I wanted to see her soon.

If I died here, Mommy would be devastated.

I needed to survive, no matter what. I still need to grow into a reliable adult who would protect Mommy and Beryl!

the werewolf in the black mask, who had been silent all this time, suggested that they went for

that no one else tries to run away." Sally was

going to escape, anyway. They're

mask scoffed. "We have a lot of work to do tonight. We might not get

the bigger werewolf. She walked away from me and followed the other two over to a table in

the stench of blood. The trio chatted and laughed with each other, growing more relaxed.

of them had wetted their pants

eyes darted over to the entrance of the tent. The flap was wide open, and it was very quiet outside, meaning

the perfect

quick work

legs could carry me. Unfortunately, the kidnappers noticed me right away. "Damn it! A brat is making

didn't dare to turn around and see what was happening. I couldn't risk breaking my pace and giving them@chance to catch up to me.

the fucker once we get

I pushed myself even further. I just needed to get

time, and I found myself in a courtyard filled with weeds. The gates were just a short distance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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