Sally's POV:

The boy's face was smooth and tender, much like one of those porcelain dolls displayed on shop windows. A pink scar ran down his cheek, but it was no big deal. It was healing, anyway. Considering the physical constitution of werewolves, it should completely disappear in no time.

Most importantly, however, the boy had an uncanny resemblance to the man I had been dreaming of the lycan king.

I never told anyone about my fantasies, though. I didn't dare to. Especially since the boss seemed to loathe the lycan king.

If they found out that I desired him, they would definitely brand me as a traitor.

But this boy... This boy was a pleasant surprise. He already looked so handsome at such a young age. I was sure he would grow up to be a heartbreaker. Maybe he would look exactly like the lycan king then. If I could keep him...

Oh, Goddess! I should stop thinking about it now, or blood would spurt out of my nose.

"Didn't you say that the child is disfigured? How come he isn't ugly at all?!" Jack pushed his red mask aside and peered at the boy in a mix of wonder and rage. The information we got was incorrect. That was a big deal in our line of business. It might just be a little slip to most people, but this kind of carelessness could have severe consequences.

that the boy had been extremely deformed while he clearly

boss would take care of this matter. In any

looks familiar." Arthur looked the kid up and

looked like, but none of

or later, and when they did, the boy might not survive

Arthur put the pieces together, so I

Unfortunately, Arthur was unwilling

"Well, at the very least, he should look like his parents. Maybe

remember where."

up and

Since the contact who sent him here lied to us, then the deal can no longer push through. We must kill this boy, or

in fear when he heard that. His eyes welled up with fresh tears. Vaguely, I thought that those big, beautiful eyes

my prince

He just needed to gain a few more years, and he would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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