Crystal's POV:

Rufus sighed and said in a grave tone, "As the king, I can't tolerate these criminals, but I didn't get any proof of their wrongdoing. This is a good opportunity, and I won't give them any chance to escape."

As I opened my mouth to respond, the host appeared on stage again. He held the microphone and his perky voice reached every audience member.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that you are kind people, and this is the time to help these children. They were all born disabled and abandoned by their parents. The circus took them in out of kindness, so that they didn't starve to death on the street. With the kind donation from you, we can provide them with good meals and even help treat their physical deformities."

I watched the disabled children huddled in the corner of the stage and felt sad. If their disabilities were truly inflicted by a person, the people in the circus deserved to be chopped into pieces.

As soon as the host finished speaking, the huge screen beside him displayed seat numbers and the amount donated.

That was when I realized that the QR code on the electronic screen was for donating money. One could scan the code and donate whatever amount they wished from their bank account.

The numbers on the screen kept changing, as numerous guests wanted to give money to these poor children.

children were overjoyed and

leaned toward Rufus and whispered in

shot me a sideways


don't these people try

children if they are being

circus enraged me. What was more

to check on these disabled children. They all have a medical certificate of congenital disability and they were all formally adopted. My people also quizzed the children individually f don't know how the kingpins

grateful to the circus for

people? It's impossible to

shot me a helpless

said, "I

but couldn't find any violations. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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