Crystal's POV:

I opened my eyes in a daze, only to find myself in a dark room. What little sunlight that filtered into the space came through the skylight above my head.

I shook my head and blinked several times. When I finally came to my senses, I realized to my horror that I was in my underwear. Worse still, I was tied to a cross.

Then I heard a murmur. Someone was chanting a prayer, his voice low and deep.

I looked over in the direction of the sound and saw a werewolf on his knees. He wore a black robe and a skull mask, and he was praying diligently as though he was confessing his sins.

And the idol he was confessing to was neither the Moon Goddess or... or any god that I could recognize, really. It looked hideous. Even from a distance, I could tell that it was a demon, a fiend.

The statue was made of black stone, and a shimmering, silver veil was draped over the head. It did nothing to hide its features, though. Its visage was distorted in awkward angles, its limbs dislocated. It was straight out of a nightmare.

this place with their

than the sky rumbled with thunder. I

quell your anger! I will make sure to punish the intruders. I shall use their blood to wash away their sins and remove their

my throat. "Are you Lee, by any chance? I didn't expect you to be so pious. But the deity you worshiped looks so... odd." Lee's head whipped around. His mask looked particularly terrifying in this slant of light. "You're awake," he said in a calm tone, surprising me a

your Lord, though," I said, raising an eyebrow. "Just let me go, and we can have a

He shuffled over to a nearby tub and scooped its contents, holding it up to his face and taking a

me this instant, or I promise you, you won't live to see another day! struggled against the hemp ropes that bound me, to no avail. In the end, I tried using witchcraft, but that, too, was in vain. I reached deep inside me, but it felt like all of my

did that damn Lee bastard

dragged his long, black nails along the line of my shoulder, and then up to the artery vein

felt like choking, like my blood was flowing backwards through my veins and back into my heart. I shuddered in

easy to

off me! Don't you dare touch me again, you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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