Crystal's POV:

Lee pinched my chin and let out a sinister laugh. "You are a tough one, aren't you? Well, then... Apologize to me now, and I just might give you a chance to repent before we move on to the last phase of the ceremony.

I spat in his face. "Fuck off, you vile thing! Stop pretending to be some messiah! How many innocent children have you slaughtered? If anyone must repent, it is you!"

He wiped the saliva off his mask and clicked his tongue. "I suppose you're not wrong about that. But don't you see? I bring joy to everyone. Young or old, big or small, they all have fun when they come to my amusement park, don't they? As for those children, they simply sacrificed themselves for the greater good. They will definitely find great happiness in the afterlife."

"You monster!" I cursed. "What kind of pretend happiness are you spouting about? If you're so obsessed with it, then just bask in it yourself! Don't rope innocent lives into your delusions. Mark my words, you and your damn amusement park will burn to ashes sooner or later!"

Lee chuckled as he let go of my face. He took a step back, spread his arms wide open, and inhaled deeply. Then, without warning, he lunged forward and grabbed my neck again. "What do you know, you little bitch? I'm just saving those worthless misers who shouldn't have existed in the first place. Their bodies are either incomplete or mutilated. They have no place in this world. They should be thanking me for at least giving their short lives a purpose."

to his false beliefs. A demon believing

down, if only a little. "You claim to have saved them, yet you are the reason why they were mutilated. If not for you, they wouldn't have lost their limbs! If not for you, they would have

They're better off suffering briefly and leaving the world for good." Lee reached out and made to caress my

at my reaction, but he did pull back. "What a pity. You, my


to the

then proceeded to wash his hands with the

but I do admire you

you one last chance. No one has

he let out another maniacal laugh, much

But my temperature

into my powers at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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