Crystal's POV:

Rufus watched me for a long time before slowly saying, "No. I believe she must have a good reason to do it."

After a brief pause, his lips curved up into a self-deprecating smile. "But I still want to deal with it together with her. It's better than being kept in the dark. Ever since I discovered that I lost a part of my memory, have been feeling like the whole world has abandoned me. Everyone except me knows the truth."

Rufus sighed as if he was genuinely at ease. "Honestly, whatever the reason might have been, it doesn't matter anymore. I just want to get my memory back and get some answers."

Perhaps I looked very serious, because Rufus stroked my cheek with his fingers as he continued in a very light tone, "It doesn't even matter if I don't get my memory back. We can start all over again. Crystal, having you here beside me is enough."

His expression was exceptionally gentle, and his eyes were shining with tenderness. The resentment that I had imagined would be there was missing, which made me sadder.

I would have preferred it if he became angry and blamed me for lying to him.

But he didn't. He didn't even utter one harsh word to me.

I knew he was afraid to lose me again. Once this realization set in, I felt like my heart was being repeatedly tugged. The infinitely magnified pain left me unable to come up with anything to conceal the truth.

the quilt and rested my

run away. Let's deal

this moment, I just wanted to

don't you reply?" Rufus prodded me in

heart fluttered. I clenched my jaw and continued to act



you fallen asleep?" Rufus stroked my hair and placed a kiss

He pulled the quilt up to cover

minutes, I opened my eyes and softly called out Rufus' name. There was no response. He seemed to be

arms and

for a long time, my stomach

deep breath


hands. As


black thorn was present

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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