Crystal's POV:

The monster gradually emerged from the darkness, unveiling itself at a torturously measured pace. At first, I perceived a sullied tail and then the sight of its corpulent body followed.

Overwhelmed with joy, I cried out once more, "lan!" As the colossal tail, paired with a metallic prosthetic hind limb, swayed vivaciously, I became more convinced of its identity. This time, I was certain that it was


The mighty tail wagged with a cheerful rhythm and a wolfs howl reverberated in the air.

Suddenly, there was lan, stepping out from the shadows.

He immediately noticed my presence and charged toward me.

But as he drew near, I heard someone exclaim, "It's a wild wolf! Watch out!" As the soldiers on either side of the corridor brandished their weapons, poised to strike at lan, my heart raced with apprehension.

But I knew that Rufus, the commanding officer, would heed my plea for mercy. "I know that wolf," I told Rufus, my voice trembling with emotion. "I've raised him from a pup. He's not a threat to anyone. Please, don't hurt him! He's friendly and won't harm anyone."

circumstances are you to harm this wild

that belied his artificial limb, rivaling the momentum of

in a blur of fur and

buzzed with happiness. I hadn't expected

and elongated, glimmered

anger and put on a stern facade. "Why did you run away from home?

and affectionately patted my

"Promise me you won't do it again. What if you get

misty eyes brimming with tears, making him

He seemed uneasy and was possibly searching for

looking for Beryl. When we were in the border and he couldn't find Beryl, he would sniff around me like

at the sight

I reassured him.

what kind of ordeal lan had endured. His body was caked


a bald patch on his forelimb,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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