Leonel's decisiveness caught Pierre and Nicolas off guard. They had been observing Leonel for a long time and had never expected that he had this side to him.

Their surprise informed Leonel of another important point: it was impossible for them to know of the mission requirements. If they knew that he was tasked with killing Joan, they would also know that much of the front he put on was an act. Taking it even further, they wouldn't have let her lead him and Aina here alone either.

Thinking to this point, this whole situation made much more sense. They didn't know what they were trying to stop him from doing, so their best response to was to lock them away to avoid any unwanted variables.

But, that begged another question… why had they waited for so long?

"By the power of God, I beseech you energies of the world! Rage of wind!"

Unfortunately, there was no more time to think.

"I'll handle the shadow." Aina's voice drifted to Leonel's ears.

With a nod, the two hit another gear. Leonel had already seen through the stats of Pierre and was more than confident in her ability to handle him. As for Nicolas, he was more difficult to manage as all spirit based entities were. But, the current Leonel was nothing like the Leonel of the past.

Before, he had struggled with the C-grade Mayan Priest more than even a B-grade Invalid. But now…?

Streaks of pressurized wind shot through the air. Leonel realized that this ability was nearly identical to the that of the Mayan Priest. It was a reality that brought his antennas up, however there was still a difference between this time and last.

Whereas before he could only faintly sense them, now, he could very clearly see them streaking through the air. And, with all of the mystery gone… they even looked crude and uncontrolled.

shape was similar to an earth worm with irregularly sized segments. If Nicolas had better Force control, this 0.90 points

by one worm-like wind projectile, sliding past another, and leaping over the

gaze filled with a calm stillness to them. The Leonel of today

However, he had never expected Leonel to deal with them so calmly and so easily. It was to the point where Leonel didn't even consider using his atlatl. He truly didn't feel like

of God, I beseech you energies of the world!

way facing shield? In that

his gaze flashing with a dazzling light that made his pale green eyes gain a life to them they

exploded as Force surged through his

[Leonel Morales]

0.99 (+0.1 - nullified); Agility: 0.99 (+0.1 - nullified); Coordination: 1.15; Stamina: 1.10-1.20

the two opposing him completely off guard, allowing him to slip between them and to Nicolas' back in a

of her dual wielded axes, cutting off Pierre's path toward supporting Nicolas. Her teamwork with

flexing as he pulled his spear back tightly against his body. He pierced forward with enough momentum that his attack caused a sharp whistling noise to sound as his blade cut through the

back was completely exposed. There simply wasn't

attack was flawless, controlled, and perfectly aimed toward his


as Nicolas was

groans of his body slamming against his own shield made Leonel certain that he had broken at least his nose, if not something far more

all harm! By the power of God, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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