Just when Leonel was feeling truly regretful at his lack of knowledge, his expression changed when he realized that the odd cage they were in was rapidly converging energy to reform itself.

"Aina, do you have a big enough pocket to keep all of this stuff?" Leonel pointed toward the desk filled with loose sheets of paper. "Never mind, we don't have time. Come on."

Leonel grabbed Aina's hand and sprinted with all his might, even activating his Force without reserve.

Aina seemed stunned at that sudden contact. But, she was even more stunned by Leonel's speed. Was this really someone who had only formed three Force Nodes?

In a flash, the two had crossed the 200 meter distance to the location of the wooden door that had appeared once more. With a single movement, Leonel swung it open, shocked at how impossibly heavy it was.

It didn't take him long to understand. This was a door designed to be easy to open from the outside, but extremely difficult without special methods from the inside. It was precisely this door that, when closed, completed the Force Art that created this space.

A roar escaped Leonel's lips, his arm bulging with ghastly veins as he pulled with all his might, ripping the door from the hinges.

Only when this happened did he finally relax, his breathing steadying. As expected, the surging feeling he had had before came to a stop.

One might argue that he shouldn't have been so panicked since he only needed to break through to shatter this space again. However, even though he knew where he should place every node up to the Eighth, he couldn't form them in quick succession without regard.

forming his Third Node, Leonel faintly felt that his body was like a bulging balloon that was about to burst. If he had

things became. He could simulate matters related to the Third Dimension with over 90% accuracy. In his previous state, he could simulate matters related

the improvement in his ability was far more than just a mere 3%, that meant that simulating the matters of his body had actually increased in

perfectly linear.

his Third Node, only then could he attempt to form the fourth. And, though Joan only died a year from now, there were countless events that happened between now and then. Without delving into the gritty details, what's important was that she might very

if the formation of his Third Node took so much Force, how much would his others take? No, that wasn't right. It was the formation of his First Star that had

a strong tug

down, he blushed slightly in embarrassment as

"Sorry." He said apologetically.

little nose wrinkled. "You

had said such a thing to him. But it couldn't be helped, what exactly was he supposed to do about this? He hadn't expected that forming a One Star Cleansed Body would

freak and he also deduced that the black military outfit she wore that was filled with pockets definitely had a self-cleaning function, because he hadn't seen her take a bath even once but she

clean up while he was unconscious all those weeks ago, it

we do now? I really didn't expect that we would escape so soon."

have escaped at all. Not only did this make Leonel feel more guilty about putting them in such a situation, but it warmed his heart at the same

to find that it had healed during his breakthrough and

only in there for a little over an hour, so barely half a day has passed. Joan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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