Bella shook herself out of her reverie and nodded seriously. Just then;

"Miss!" Her attendant called out.

"Puth, are you okay?" Bella asked, concerned, receiving a nod in return. Thankfully the men had merely had her open the door and snooped around looking for their target and left when they couldn't find her.

Bella glanced back at Rui. "We need to leave this district immediately. I'm heading south, towards the outskirts of the town before catching a cargo carriage towards the neighbouring town of Laxus. We need you to accompany and protect us within Hajin." She insisted.

Rui nodded. "We can talk later. Right now, we seriously need to go." he said, before turning to face Puth. "However, you are not under my protection and having more people will only slow us down."

Bella grimaced, slowly nodding before turning to her attendant. "Puth, I cannot have you accompany us any further. The journey will be too dangerous, return back home." Not giving her attendant any choice in the matter.

She turned back to Rui, before nodding. "Let's leave."

Rui nodded in return. "You're too slow, I'm going to need to carry you until we reach find a rickshaw or reach a place we can lay low."



sprint at a speed beyond

even his own. But it wasn't important. Her life and the mission was

kill those men?"

murder is extremely high key and will draw far too much attention. Law enforcement officers will be all over the place and will be out looking for us and even the Martial Union might be involved, and not in a good way. Killing them will draw even

only take us in, have us make statements before releasing us without protection, since we cannot produce evidence of ill-intent on my life and well-being. You're right,

was an even greater reason he had


single person in his life, he had never felt the urge to, asides from the instance of kidnapping in

them alive, he wasn't sure he would be able to kill them

The Martial World is filled with death. There are those who kill, and there are those who will be killed. I need to fall

to condition and train a mindset that was willing to kill if needed. It's not that Rui was an extremely pacifist or kind person, but as a person who spent fifty-nine years in a world where murder was deeply abhorrent, it

district fairly quickly. He even avoided routes where they would inevitable be seen and would draw

need to cut or hide your hair." Rui insisted. "That drastically lowers the chances of someone being able identify and remember us if your

hair as tightly as she could before covering it with a cloth garment she had. "You need to

a cheap inn. Rui had long taken off his mask, wearing clothes that Bella had quickly bought from the closest inn, while covering

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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