Rui was taken aback. He did not expect the headmaster of the Academy to lower his head so easily. Martial Masters possessed a status that astronomically dwarfed that of any Martial Apprentice. Furthermore, he wasn't just any ordinary Martial Master, but the headmaster of the Martial Academy. For someone of his stature to lower his head to Rui was too much to take.

"Please raise your head headmaster." Rui quickly replied, raising his hands. "It isn't your fault."

"Even so." He raised his head. "I bear the responsibility as the headmaster of the Academy."

Rui remained silent at that. That line hit a little close he himself was feeling about the mission.

Except Bella was too dead for him to apologize to.

"One of the reasons I called you was to apologize and take responsibility. I've already gone through your report." He said, before continuing. "I sensed the deep regret and guilt you feel in your words. That is why I wanted to be absolutely clear. The mission's difficulty was extremely high, just another Martial Apprentice being involved alone put the mission's difficulty grade vastly above what you sought. The completion of this mission would require atleast two Martial Apprentices, or an experienced high-grade Martial Apprentice. You do not bear any fault or blame, on any level."

the logical soundness of the headmaster's words. From an outsider's perspective, he himself would not put

wasn't an outsider, nor a child. Which is why Martial Master's words didn't truly

Union and the Martial Academy possesses a rigorous commission intelligence department." He said. "This department aims to verify the information that clients provide us in their commissions as well as gain as much information about the mission as possible. This collected information factors into the evaluation

the difficulty of the mission of the mission. In this case in particular, it was not possible with our current measures to have accurately evaluated the danger of the mission ahead of time. Ah, I'm not trying to dodge responsibility or justify the lapse in evaluation accuracy, I'm just providing you with

mildly intrigued. "So... regarding the remuneration for

the Martial Academy's responsibility. Not only is not your fault that the mission failed, but you have even performed much better than a Martial Apprentice

even successfully completed the mission? Furthermore, getting that in addition to the minimum guarantee meant that he was actually getting more

"Furthermore, your Martial Art is unique and unheard-of, we would like to extend a hand in aiding your development of it,

up in elation. After his failure, his desire to develop and expand his Martial Art had also grown remarkable stronger. In addition to his inherent love for Martial Art and

this world, power was everything, it underlined everything within human civilization, and human civilization

he had obtained after forming the foundation of his Martial Art, especially after his performance against Squire Kyrie. He had thought

to obtain the priced techniques had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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