Rajak smacked Rui away with a swift kick. But he was immediately rushed by Fae and Kane. One launched an immensely powerful palm attack, the other riddled him with incredibly speedy strikes.

He turtled up, crouching with his arms in front of him as he retreated trying to put some space between them.


"Argh!" He grimaced as Rui landed a kick straight on his head. Just as he turned to swing at Rui;



Fae and Kane resumed their offense forcing him to just barely defend against them. The three of them bombarded him with attacks from three directions, giving him no time or space to consolidate his defense.

All three of them were menaces for three different reasons.

Fae had the greatest firepower among three of them, surpassing even his own. Every attack chipped away at his defense, inflicting some amount of damage. She was a relentless canon, who fired with the intention of taking him down with every strike. As far as game-ending attacks went, she was the strongest of the three. He paid an immense of attention to her, because he knew that of the three of his opponents, she was the likeliest to actually take him down if he made a mistake.

However, the one who truly irritated him was Kane. The boy's speed and agility were a level above his, furthermore, he was far more nimble, smaller, and mobile than Rajak himself was. He danced around, squiggling his way through narrow spaces and landing a flurry of attacks from everywhere. Landing an attack was practically impossible, especially with the other two. He frustrated Rajak the most.

However, the one that unsettled Rajak the most was the third one. As far as only Martial Art techniques went, he was the weakest of the three. Rajak could tell he had only barely formed the foundation of his Martial Art.

was something about the kid that was eerie. As the fight went on, the kid fought better and better, and grew harder and harder fight against. The boy stared at him with pitch-black eyes, and Rajak felt naked in front of his gaze. He felt transparent, as though the boy could see thought everything. Every though, action,

knew what Rajak would do before he

struck him as an all-rounder, but his fighting style kept changing and altering growing



a bicycle kick on his head. Rajak grimaced, stunned. At that moment, Rui had begun the jump

him, sandwiching him ins a storm of attacks; swift and numerous on one side and

in pain. His condition was bad, the addition of Fae had contributed to the deterioration of his condition significantly. He was at the stage where he was coughing blood. His mental faculties had taken

chances of escape were becoming more

but I will have a clean chance to escape.') He began planning. ('Once I hide even for a brief few seconds, I should be able to partially consume a healing potion, escape will become

sound broke


as collapsed to the

broken in a horrible manner. The Martial Artists of the Lowminer

that he was as good as dead. He would never be able to escape from

bandits left fighting were Rajak and

She was bloody, and battered with wounds all over her body. She had even lost

a knee, she would

battle had gone from eight-on-four

eight Martial Apprentices, he stood no chance in hell whatsoever. Only the pinnacle


land a palm attack into his solar plexus. He leapt back, grimacing in pain. He looked around, the Martial Apprentices circled around him like wolves ready to make the final

Han and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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