Rui had only intended to break the ice with each of the four techniques on the first day, before returning back to his room and figuring out how he's going to divide his time and energy. He didn't intend to extend beyond what was necessary.

But he had completely forgotten about that as he immersed himself into the training regime. He loved the sheer progress as he grew better and better at timing blink maneuvers. In the end, he lost track of time completely all the way until his stamina was drained.

"Twelve hours?" Rui couldn't believe it, it passed so quickly he wouldn't have been surprised if Squire Helen was pulling his leg.

She nodded in response. "You just kept going on and on, I thought you were aware of the time." She shrugged. "Apprentice training schedules are largely self-regulated, after all."

Rui nodded, still dazed in disbelief.

"How did you do it?" She asked out of curiosity. "How did you get so good at the technique so quickly? Your rate of growth is unheard of!"

Rui scratched his head awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

"Dunno" He shrugged. "Glad it's working out this well though."

He quickly bade her goodbye before she could inquire any further, and left the stealth-training facility as he headed back to the Apprentice dorms.

as he grew absorbed in thought at the training sessions that he had undergone in the

sessions alone, he had come to realize that the priced techniques were not overpriced in any way. Each of the techniques he purchased

replace some of the Foundation techniques with either successors or superior techniques operating

was for a

onto the four techniques he had

sighing. It was quite the unpleasant training session, but he really wanted to master the Seismic Mapping technique, its sheer practical utility was too

to be held back from completing missions because he took forever to master Seismic Mapping.

one go. The mind retained experience the longer it experienced a particular phenomenon

to purely Seismic Mapping training. He could simply make every alternate day a Seismic Mapping

thought of the training put Rui in a good mood. This

train Blink to refine proficiency above just ordinary mastery." He thought aloud. He even thought he could make it a hobby! Just

Thus, he decided to allot it the least amount of

That left two techniques.

Convergence and

definitely harder." He noted. "So, it gets more training

chink out the details

he had chosen to pick only four techniques this time. Had he tried to pick five he would have quickly realized that it was

be able to complete five premium

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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