Rui and Fae exchanged powerful blows with each other. Fae pummeled at him with palms while Rui returned the offense with fists.

Rui had spent a lot of time sparring with Martial Apprentices who had mastered the techniques he was training with currently. While he did have trouble initially with Blink because there was no one in his immediate friend circle or acquaintances was a stealth-oriented Martial Artist, he had no trouble with finding someone to train his Outer Convergence technique with.

Fae had grown to be a close friend of his in the past year, and she had even helped him with training offense-class Apprentice-level techniques before, so going to her was a no-brainer decision.

Unlike the sparring training with Dalen, their combat was a lot less restricted. They only limited offense to Outer Convergence, while using only one technique for the other aspects of combat.

This was because Outer Convergence could be dodged in real fights and Rui needed to forge experience in dealing with evasive defense and counters to Outer Convergence in real fights.

Of course, they had decided to limit the number of techniques they used for defense and maneuvering because otherwise Rui had too much of an advantage.

Limiting striking offense to Outer Convergence hurt Fae far more than it hurt Rui since a little over half of Fae's Martial Art was comprised of striking oriented techniques, while Rui had only three, including his rough partially-learnt Outer Convergence.


He sidestepped a weighted palm from Fae, before launching a right hook to her jaw. Fae unhesitatingly deflected the strike with an elbow, redirecting Rui's hook while simultaneously launching a hand jab technique with her finger tips.


Rui grimaced as he skidded back.

glanced at her with a curious look. "Elbows? Hand jabs

where elbows were dominant features. Martial arts such as Muay Thai, a traditional martial art from Thailand, and

Thai in particular used elbows offensively while Silat used them

my striking combat prowess at all ranges in close quarters combat. Palm attacks are powerful but they have narrow flexibility as far as range goes. So, I decided to learn the Hooking Elbow technique. It's a mid-grade counter-offensive elbow centric technique that allows me to keep up

range than outwardly open palm attacks, allowing you to

response, before taking

inwardly, as he launched several Outer Convergence


were a good tool against someone who exclusively used her arms for offense, since legs had longer range than arms, he could

Outer Convergence was still too flawed as she

suffering was that kicks made it difficult to maneuver, since one leg was often mid-air, meaning if Fae was able to handle his kicks, she would be able close the distance faster than Rui was able to maneuver


managing to close



a clean strike, as Rui

actually quite remarkable considering you've only been training for


Outer Convergence; Drawing power from each muscle group individually, and then accumulating and converging

used to the increased mental load of synchronizing and managing each

took me four months to fully get a hand of it." She said. "So

want to get

hurry?" Fae asked,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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