Fae had grown immensely in power in the time that she had joined the Academy. Rui did not forget that even two years ago she was able to compete with Nel on roughly equal footing. She had grown vastly stronger than she was two years ago. That fact along with the ridiculous power she had demonstrated just then truly made Rui excited to fight her once more.

Part of the reason was that he had never actually beaten her in a fight yet. Thought that was also further because they hadn't had a serious proper spar in recent times. After Rui's third training stage, where he had mastered Outer Convergence, he had immediately begun under taking missions and when he returned, he had immediately jumped back into training for the Kandrian Martial Festival and the Martial Contest.

He simply didn't have an opportunity to spar against her.

('I'll get my first win against her this time.') Rui was determined to win whenever they fought against each other in the preliminary contest, whenever that happened.

"Let's watch Dalen's fight with Milliana." Kane said, drawing his attention.

"Oh?" Rui raised an eyebrow. "They got paired against each other? What odds."


Dalen was a heavy defensive type, he was capable of enduring an immense amount of onslaught, and was one of the very few Martial Apprentices in the Academy that could endure Fae's onslaught head-on.

In comparison, Milliana was a stamina-oriented Martial Artist, whose fighting style was centered around outlasting her opponent.

a good matchup.') Rui mused to

both passive fighters for the most part, this would

The two of tehm were having a staring

"As expected." Rui sighed.

them for this, they were only being true to their

and began throwing a few jabs. The problem was, he needed to take initiative because if they just kept staring at each other, she would win simply

would be able to complete every action with the least amount of energy

a defensive Martial Artist, he needed to attack. With his sheer size, it was guaranteed he would tire faster than she did, he needed to exercise some

to atleast engage with him, giving him an opportunity to potentially win

take a long time." Rui sighed. The matches of the preliminary contest didn't have a time limit. This was because time limits affected certain Martial

alone was a

with a half-an-hour time limit. She would be able to beat no one asides from the weakest of

for who would win, he found it hard to say. They were both close enough that the probability for either side winning

he could see

his Martial Art a little, he had always been exclusive defense. Up until recently, he had had only one foundational technique

offense being the weakest, up until very recently he had nothing going for offense asides from Vital Pressure. The most

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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