The two boys stared at each other. One had a wild, excited grin. While the other had a detached lethargic expression. The difference in their demeanors was great.

But not the difference in their Martial prowess.

At the very least, no difference could be spotted in the mental pressure they exerted on all sentient life around them.

"Take your stances." The supervisor instructed.

"Hehe..." Nel took crouched, letting his arms dangle down. "You're not escaping me, vanish boy."

"Hmph." Kane snorted. "Catch me if you can."

The two concentrated, tying up the atmosphere in knots.

Many had gathered to spectate this fight. As two titans of the Academy, both Nel and Kane had drawn an immense amount of attention.

Every single person in the facility was curious.

Not a single person even blinked.

Nobody wanted to miss this fight.

"Begin!" The supervisor commenced the fight.


Nel soared forward at an incredibly high speed!

"HYAAH!" He swung a haymaker at Kane.


The attack collided with empty air where Kane was once standing.

As for Kane?

He had already disappeared

now, people had grown accustomed to this. There was only one thought in

Nel going to

observed the battle not just with his eyes, but with Primordial instinct and Seismic Mapping as well. He was more curious than

was standing at the center of the ring,

Kane rushed in. Launching

was when it

Kane approached


Kane stepped back, shocked!

was the

in the preliminary contest, Kane had been seen


the Void Step technique to be inactive for a second,

grin grew wider as he launched himself where

a single Apprentice-level technique, how the hell was

it be he's born with more than just superhuman physical

born with extraordinary senses, then that

judge the direction Kane was in at all times, and was just able to sense an impression of

and Seismic Mapping, as well as

as his physical prowess, then he might be

in front of him, every time his nerves tingled, he simply launched the widest swing he could to cover as much

But it wasn't enough.


jerked from

an evasive maneuverer. Dodging attacks while simultaneously launching his own was child's play at his

was merely caught

standards, it was downright garbage. Even if he pummeled Nel's body for hours, it

even a single attack from Nel landed on Kane, it would do considerable damage, it would also

not afford to get

battle reminded Rui of Kane's fight with Fae. But

Kane was far higher than Fae's compatibility against



('Close.') Rui noted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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