Rui was exhausted.

Truly exhausted.

He glanced at Nel, who was already being treated by the medical staff on site. His blood loss was immense, Rui had struck the carotid artery in advertently.

He quickly got off the ring after having consumed a rejuvenation and healing potion.

"That was an insane fight." Kane grinned.

"Congratulations Rui." Fae said. "That was incredibly close."

They all congratulated him before getting to the elephant in the room.

"How did you land that last Flowing Canon?" Fae asked curiously, it was one of the many offensive techniques she had mastered and thus she had recognized it immediately.

"I was wondering the same thing too." Kane nodded. He was already familiar with Nel's incredible speed and reflexes. He was quite curious too.

"Just some psychological tricks." Rui smiled. "I distracted him with the Stinger so that his reactions to other attacks would be much lower. And then I just to find the perfect timing and placement of the Flowing Canon with my adaptive evolution."

"Was it really that simple?" Kane scratched his head. "To think that's how you managed to create such a huge turn around."

Rui shrugged. "It was that simple. The human mind is more flawed than you we tend to think of it. As long as you learn how to exploit these flaws, you can do things that would normally be impossible."

This was something he sincerely believed. Research in neuroscience and psychology had shown that the human brain and mind were filled with a myriad of flaws and shortcomings, many of the elements of the VOID algorithm were derived from and centered around these phenomena.

Of course, several of these elements were also in effective on Gaea against Martial Artists and beasts because they were too different from baseline human. Which was, of course, one of the many reasons the VOID algorithm needed updating and upgrading.

They bantered for a bit, before a staff member interrupted them.

"Apprentice Fae Dullahan? Your scheduled match is soon to commence." He said. "Please be sure to wait by the assigned ring."

Fae nodded, turning to her friends. "I'll see you guys after."

her match

right?" Kane scratched


Fae's firepower was within the limit of

the technique's capabilities, then she was certainly primed

the matter, Rui was unable to gauge it. She had immense raw power however Meteor Swing was a grade nine as far as potency and difficulty went, furthermore Hever had mastered it

strikes would not be able

for her regular

probably be using Whirlpool in addition all the power striking power techniques she had

went, it must have be on

power momentarily and in some situations, and in many cases her

condition was not necessarily

had no maneuvering techniques and offensive technique he could pressure Fae with, his fighting style gave all the initiative

Hever was probably the only person she could take her time

quite curious about the

they reached

and Hever were

about to start." Rui said excitedly, gazing at the two of

people in the Academy..." Hever said to Fae. "I have looked forward to fighting you

an eyebrow.

in the Academy who could show me the limits of my techniques, even

your stances." The

waste time. Show me the peak of what

concentration was as imposing as

see whether your peak exceeds

her stance. "This was my intention from

Hever didn't reply.

he had left to


once, Fae didn't lash out at her opponent,


her stance,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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