"Who do you think is gonna win?" Rui asked.

Kane shrugged. "They're both freaks."

"You're one to talk." Rui grumbled.

"Fae will win." Milliana confidently added.

"I found Fae to be much harder to fight." Dalen said.

"As did I." Hever calmly added.

"Hmmm…" Rui turned. He didn't necessarily think that meant Fae was stronger than Nel.

Fae possessed a pretty decent compatibility advantage against both Dalen and Hever. Against Hever, although her regular attacks were incompatible and disadvantaged against him, her trump cards were perfectly suited to taking him down. His passive and counter-offensive fighting style were both perfect for her to leverage her trump card.

Dalen on the other hand was a defensive fighter, he had no choice but to tank Fae's attacks. Her offense inflicted most damage on his defense than his offense did against her. It was a completely symmetric battle where she had a strong advantage compared to someone like Nel, who's offense Dalen could likely endure longer.

Up on the ring, the fight was soon to commence.

"Take your stances." The supervisor instructed.

"Hehe…" Nel grinned. "Today's the day we decide who the stronger one is."

"Indeed." Fae took her stance. She tucked her right palm upside-down at her waist, coiled like a viper waiting to lash out. Her left palm faced Nel as she crouched.

Almost every single onlooking Martial Apprentice sweated inwardly at that sight as unpleasant memories welled up. At this stage, almost all of them had fought Fae, with Nel being her final opponent, and all of them had faced her fearsome offense.

Nel's grin grew wider and feral. He crouched, letting his arms dangle freely.

"Begin!" The suoervisor commenced the match.


The two of them leapt at each other with unadultered ferocity!

unleashed a maelstrom



clashes shook the very ground as an unprecedented amount of power

shock as the heavy seismic vibrations rocked him, resembling an earthquake threatening

explosive momentum. The unyielding blasts of wind shoved against the Martial

unfiltered shock. Not a single one

were outputing was too unnerving. One could scarcely believe that Martial Apprentices

launched few attacks, yet every single attack was immensely charged.

braced their seatbelts in excitement,

the balance had already begun


a double-armed guard as Fae's palm thrust crashed into


a defensive position. Even

stirred at

was starting to dominate


of this was undoubtedly

strongest in


pushed Nel away.

the punching battle. No one's ever beaten me and pushed

remained silent as she charged at him,


charged at him just in



strike on her abdomen through a hole in

exchanging strike again.

began employing his remarkable speed not just offensively but

change from before." Dalen

maneuvering is sharp." Kane

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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