"B-Begin!" The supervisor commenced the battle.

And like clockwork, Kane sashayed out of reality with the Void Step technique.

The battle had begun.

Rui pushed his mind to the very limit as Primordial Instinct and Seismic Mapping worked overtime as they did their best to pick anything they could on Kane's movements.

This time, however, he didn't close his eyes. His eyes darted around.

Rui could sense Kane was circling around him at a distance of roughly five meters.

He simply waited.

Suddenly, there was a change.

Kane rushed in towards him.

Yet, Rui didn't react.

He had reached.

Yet, Rui didn't move.


Kane threw several jabs at Rui from the side.


Rui finally made a move, but only after he was struck. He threw a heavy haymaker in the direction of the attacks, but they merely hit empty air.


A jab struck his face from the other side.


again swung only after Kane had

to attack before Kane attacked him, attacking only after Kane had

spectating, Rui was helpless. He was merely trying to fight

The sighed in disappointment.

was the

as representative of

the outcome seemed to be already

Kane immediately as Kane hit him, since Kane would be close to him the moment he

strategy. All of them had tried the

damn good. He could easily avoid their desperate measure

thing in their eyes, meaning that he was


knew Rui had mastered Primordial Instinct and Seismic Mapping. Or the fact that these two techniques together were able to crack a dent in the invincible armour of

hadn't told any

was almost impossible to directly infer that a person had

Kane knew that he had

direction he was in and get a vague sense of how far he was

haphazardly reveal this like Nel did. Unlike Nel, he was

prey to the miracle of the Void Step technique like many others

endured all the punishment that Kane dished out. Taking all

was biding

For the right time.

The right place.

truly had one chance, and

his task would become immeasurably harder. Furthermore, with how much he had put to stake, if

ring, their friends spectated the

Nel grumbled. "Void boy's getting

around all of them

had managed to not

"I hoped the match would be more

As brilliant of a fighter as Rui Quarrier is, there are hurdles that simply cannot be bypassed by purely tactics alone. At this

I were in his shoes, I would have kicked his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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