Not a single person spectating was unperturbed.

One moment, Rui was on the verge of defeat.

The very next moment he successfully lands his trump card on Kane, inflicting serious damage with Stinger!

They all gaped in amazement.

How did Rui land that attack on Kane at all?

No one understood.

The sheer manner in which he landed the attack made it absolutely clear it wasn't dumb luck. That was absolutely impossible.

Furthermore, with the way Rui was running around the ring aggressively, it was clear that he was chasing Kane.

What had changed?

Did he develop a new way to sense Kane in the middle of the fight?

"No... That's impossible." Fae murmured. "But... that means he was able to sense Kane... from the very start?"

Her eyes flew wide open in amazement.

This revelation was unbelievable!

But what amazed her even more was that instead of using this from the very start and hounding after Kane, he held it in as a trump card and used it at the very right moment and place. If Fae was able to sense Kane she would not have used it in such a manner, she would likely have abused it from the very start and tried her very best to get a hit in on Kane.

This is what most of them would have done. None of them would have allowed themselves to get bullied by Kane ever if they could avoid it.

Yet Rui not only allowed himself to get bullied by Kane, but even used to his advantage to create an opening against Kane and gain a huge advantage.

The blood drops scattered across the entire floor was testament to Rui's to this!

The only person to inflict a wound on Kane was Nel, and that was a minor wound that was born largely out of raw physical prowess and luck rather than the quality of his decision making.

Now, Rui was winning!

chased and

attacks still missed and he hadn't touched Kane since the

matter of time. Kane was no Milliana who would have been able to drag on the fight even


was taking its

was also taking his toll by forcing him to go all-out with his speed. It was not easy maintaining top speed along with the Void Step. And it had become ten-fold harder with


and exhaustion had begun exacting


his third strike on Kane as he slipped up on

his nose just barely, but the immediate pain and disorientation that came from it collapsed his concentration on the


Flowing Canon crashed into his wound, causing him excruciating pain. Kane was not a defensive fighter, the

Phantom Step to land the strike in his disoriented

had snowballed


It was over.

Kane collapsed, unconscious.

He didn't move.

written Kane as the representative

overcame him with a brilliant tactic as well

outcome made one thing very


there were several close shaves, ultimately, he had a

Seventy-eight victories.

Zero draws.

Zero losses.

a single person could avoid losing

The supervisor declared loudly, his voice echoing across the

closed his eyes,

He had arrived.

entire being. He absorbed the impact, the waves of ecstasy and relief, as

of the highest levels of contest. He would go on to

quivered slightly. He was

other fifteen representatives of the remaining Martial Academies were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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