Rui headed back engrossed in thought. There was a lot consuming his focus and attention. There was a lot on his mind.

Naming his Martial Art?

What name ought he give it? Several generic names popped into his head but none of them really stood out to him. Headmaster Aronian had told him not to hastily pick one, and to only pick one that really satisfied him.

Rui shook his head. He wasn't feeling particularly inspired right now, so he put it off. He could spend more time on the matter later on.

Then there was the issue of the Martial Sects, this was quite the interesting issue. Frankly, Rui would not mind joining a powerful Sect as long as they gave him a good enough deal. Otherwise, he would rather steer clear of the issue. However, easier access to techniques of a particular Sect was quite attractive.

However, he ran into a dilemma. He was an all-rounder; wouldn't that mean it wasn't particularly a good idea to practice the techniques of one particular Sect?

Perhaps he should have asked headmaster Aronian to refer him to an all-rounder Sect, though he highly doubted such a Sect existed.

Or whether it was even possible to join without a voluntary invitation from the Sect's end.

Ultimately, he lacked too much information. But that wasn't necessarily a problem. Headmaster Aronian was simply informing Rui to help him stay aware of the issue. So that he could be prepared mentally to some extent if he ever did run into one of the Martial Sects.

But asides from that, this wasn't an issue that required his attention any further. He would cross that bridge as and when it came.

More importantly, there was the issue of the Martial Contest. Rui needed to get his shit together for it, otherwise he would lose. He could not afford to be distracted.

Not that it was easy to get distracted.

He was going to fight the strongest fifteen Martial Artists of his generation!

How could his mind possibly wander to other things?

possibly drown out his enthusiastic excitement for the

about it at this stage. The Martial Contest was in the middle of the Martial Festival, he had no time to improve by any meaningful measure at all. The stage for growth was over, now he could only make the best of whatever he had. His confidence wasn't as high as he would have liked it to be. The fact that there were four people in roughly the same tier of strength; Kane, Nel, Fae and Hever, was not particularly reassuring. It meant that his current strength level, while in

Contest would no doubt at the very least

would likely have as hard of a time against

he do in the two weeks before the

wasn't much point in training, but at the very least he

the very least he could do is sharpen his focus and

Clear out all distractions.

Clear out everything else.

only and only on bringing

Kane waved at him. "You're back, that was quicker than


him. "There wasn't much


plan? You need a sparring

about that. "If I feel like it. I'll think about it. I'm definitely shutting myself out from all other activities. I

I won't be taking any missions in that time. So, you can just call

Rui nodded. "Thanks."

waved his hand. He had been hating the arrival of the Martial Contest, but the moment Rui had been chosen as the representative of the Hajin branch, his attitude took a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. He knew Rui had been aiming for this from the very start and wanted to see his friend do well. He was excited to see Rui's

tell you the same thing too." Kane added, remembering. "You beat us, and are now going to

He was blessed to have good

my gratitude when I see

when do you plan

better to

you planning on abusing potions again?" Kane

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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