They were like newborn infants. They could not walk on their own the moment they were born, but many months later they would finally be ready.

Furthermore, there were more concrete reasons to be secretive about this fact.

If finding a true name for one's Martial Art was a measure of how uniquely original one's Martial Art was, which would in turn indicated how cognitively boosted your brain was, then the young brash fools would hastily name their Martial Art in the hopes that this was a sign they had made a lot of progress!

They would be putting the cart before the horse.

If naming one's Martial Art was a profound and important act, and it certainly was, then young hasty and greedy Martial Apprentices would certainly screw things up for themselves.

Rui's eyes widened as he recalled something Squire Dylon had told him. Squire Dylon had told him that they did not inform Martial Apprentices of the breakthrough process to Martial Squire because it ruined their development because they didn't handle the important information maturely.

That information Squire Dylon had inadvertently revealed back then was oddly similar to the revelation he had just had right now.

The similarities between the two strongly suggested that the breakthrough to Martial Squire was linked to the originality and uniqueness of one's Martial Art.

Rui felt he had reached something significant. He glanced up at headmaster Aronian, who had simply been watching him intrigued.

"But why tell me this if you do not tell the others?" Rui frowned. "Aren't you afraid that I might simply not be ready."

"No." Headmaster Aronian simply answered.





"Why not?" Rui asked.


if I did."

"It's rather odd you don't know. How could you possibly be

"What fact?"

the most uniquely developed Martial Art I have ever seen in the hands of a Martial Apprentice." Headmaster Aronian grew a bit more serious. "It's truly a wonder. Your case is unheard of.

head, incredibly confused. "I've only developed my Martial Art with

wide open as

The VOID algorithm!

VOID algorithm was something he himself had created over the span of more than

over to this world with himself in his mind and

start, his Martial Art was

to the project and had been the brains of the entire research project. His researcher colleagues were much younger and were mainly

VOID algorithm was truly a child of his own, that he molded into shape after years and

as unique development of Martial Art

simply hadn't realized it. He knew his mind was cognitively superior to everybody else's, however he had assumed that this was only

noted. "The fact that you realized it only now just makes you an even more bizarre case. Truly, I cannot even begin to imagine the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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