The good news was that Rui had more-or-less figured out Vranil's location through analyzing the seismic radiation readings his Seismic mapping technique had picked up. Vranil's location was likely in the most luxurious accommodations that the village had to offer; the village chief's home. Rui deduced his position based on the frequent incoming and outgoing traffic of the gang members in and out the building, compared to all other buildings. That along with the fact that there was only one presence of only one Seismic signature within the building, despite its size, gave him away.

"But how can I get him to fight?" Rui wondered. "The only reason he himself would fight instead of his gang members is if they cannot handle an issue without casualties."

Just then, Rui's eyes widened as an interesting idea flashed through his head.

"Hehe." He chuckled. "This might actually work."

He immediately turned around heading back to the Kingdom of Grahal, moving swiftly through the forest. Within an hour, he had entered the Kingdom of Grahal. He quickly made his way to the closest commissions office of Kandrian Martial Union.

"Excuse me." He addressed a staff member, having entered the building after the legitimacy of his documents were verified.

"How may I help you?" The staff member smiled at him.

"I wish to purchase information on all known Apprentice-level fauna within a hundred-kilometer radius of the Hefermaine village."

Martial Artists could purchase information from the Martial Union not included in the Mission bill, however extra information outside the mission bill was not free and had to be paid for.

"Alright, please give me your license."

Rui provided it to her as she verified it, returning it back to him.

him. "It will cost around one-hundred-and-fifteen

be deducted from my Martial

course. Give

was completed as the woman handed him a box of files. "Here you go, Apprentice Quarrier. The information you

"Thank you."

through the files, absorbing the information at an incredible rate. Normally, even the Mind Palace technique did not allow for such speedy storage of information,

merely ten minutes, he had read through all the files, and had completely memorized all the

taking my leave." He put the

not rented it. It's

around for my mission either." Rui said, turning around

more than he had expected. But, in hindsight, it was to be expected. The Kingdom of Grahal was poorer and couldn't afford the high amount of environmental and ecological control that the Ministry of Environment and Ecology of the Kandrian Empire

was more unadultered. Rui quickly sorted through the information in his mind palace, as he found what he was

aggravate. Not to mention, just strong enough to

That was his plan.

to see Vranil fight, then he merely needed to give him

wild bear that threatened to sabotage his whole operation was

too far either, merely forty-two kilometers away from the Hefermaine village. Furthermore, it was a territorial creature that spent most

its known territory. Rui uncaringly sprinted in as he used Seismic

big bear with Apprentice-grade power was hard to miss. Its seismic radiation

a minute later, it was

"Intimidating." he murmured.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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