"When are they coming?" Nel groaned impatiently.

Rui sighed. "They should be here soon."

"You said that three minutes ago!" Nel retorted.

"Then stop asking every three minutes!" Rui glared at him. "Listen here young ma-"

Rui suddenly froze as he turned around, narrowing his eyes. "They're coming. Everyone scram. Fae, do the honours."

Fae immediately rushed to two large, tall trees.


With two powerful blows, the trees collapsed, blocking the usual path the shipment convoy would usually travel through.

They all immediately scattered to the sides as they hid some distance away.

Two minutes later, a few loaded carriages arrived at that spot, stopping at the collapsed broken tree trunks blocking their path.

Soon, the men emerged from the carriages, talking exasperatedly and loudly in vinfranese and sanskrit.


Four large Tempestuous Ripple attacks crashed onto almost all of them men, killing all those it touched.

Only four survived.


was a dirty sensation, but it was one he endured. He could, at the very least, take solace in the fact that they didn't suffer. He launched a solid, heavy attack that killed them the

to take

at his masked face in shock, their legs had long given in, and they

Sanskrit so he wasn't too concerned

plan he had come up with had worked just fine. He wanted to draw them all out of the carriage and away from it so that the carriage would not even need to be forced into in a way that could damage it. He also killed them extremely quickly

get far too agitated with all the screaming that would inevitably ensue. It was too messy and lowered the probability of success of the mission, which Rui wanted to avoid at all

boarded the convoy after they cleared the trees out of the way. Fortunately, because Rui finished the job that quickly, they would still be quite

the convoy

tensed, yet maintained their calm and composure. They did not want to give their presence away

The hatch opened.

Martial Artists and the armed men emerged from within and

word, exactly as Rui had instructed him to. The Martial Apprentices skimmed through the document briefly, nodded, heading to

Just as he reached;



the security floor startled the two Apprentices just as they were about open

before they


carriages they were close exploded open as Rui and Fae launched themselves at the

alert, focused and prepared, they might have been

But they weren't.

And so, they didn't.



usually came at the cost of speed and haste, and in this scenario the latter two were more

grimaced as they leaped backwards in shock and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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