"Interesting." Rui murmured. "It does make sense to turn to human augmentation or evolution if the superior physical parameters of Martial Squires were human engineered. Furthermore, it's clearly a procedure that only Martial Apprentices can go through, that should serve as a rather important clue when researching the breakthrough to the Squire Realm."

Rui resumed reading, moving on to the next section.

[Introduction: The goal of project Apotheosis is to discover or create a stable and consistent means of breaking through to the Squire Realm. As discussed in the previous section, the primary approach to fulfilling this goal is through a brute force attempt to naturally discover the process by engaging in research in all feasible means of human augmentation.

Although at first glance it seems to be far too large of scope to attempt, there are several constraints that reduce the number of possibilities from near-infinite to a much more manageable, albeit still extremely difficult, number.

The first condition is that it's a process that can successfully work only on Martial Apprentices, and only Squire Candidates, due to unknown reasons. It is clear that this means physical augmentation is not something that can be applied to humans or even most Martial Apprentices for that matter. That filters out several potential possibilities. The only physiological difference between Martial Apprentices and humans lies in the brain, thus we've decided to prioritize potential methods that aim to augment humans to those especially related to the brain in any way whatsoever.

The second condition is that it is unlikely to be a process that is highly financially taxing. We can be relatively certain of this. If the Squire breakthrough is purely the result of one or more extremely valuable and scarce esoteric resources or technologies, then we would not observe the sheer population of Martial Squires universally distributed across the Panama Continent and human civilization. It is clear that the difficulty of the breakthrough does not come from economic constraints.

The third condition is that the process is singular, it is not a collection of fundamentally different enhancement methods, but one enhancement method at the core that fundamentally enhances the body in its entirety. Thus, we can ignore methods that exclusively are completely limited to one portion of the body.]

"Interesting." Rui murmured. He did think this was the most reasonable path forward. He couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult stumbling onto the breakthrough of the Squire Realm was, but they certainly were being pragmatic about their approach to the matter.

He resumed reading.

[Down below are certain avenues of research that are under consideration;

Varnardium Blood Refining Spongification.

Infire Leech detoxification.

Cranial Grecardian Bleoplast Infection.

Drilliomint Intoxication.



of the mentioned avenues of research. He felt as though he

candidates of the breakthrough method to the Squire Realm were

without, at the very least, gaining an understanding of the core of the methodologies involved. Otherwise, there would be no

even if Julian is unfamiliar with something in the research

room. He headed over to the student affairs department and applied for a leave. He wished to head back home so he could talk to Julian

application was accepted

things supposed to take

do." The staff member replied, smiling. "But your profile is marked with the permission to leave the Academy

"I see..."

had no problem with him leaving whenever he wanted. All of this supported the notion that his

At his current speed, it only

with a smile when he arrived.

Rui smiled. "I had some free

"Come in!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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