Once Julian provided context on all of the esoteric science that the research logs referenced, Rui had a far easier time understanding all of it. But he mostly focused on the Flux Evolution method, as it had been renamed by the end of the research logs.

"I see." Rui murmured as he read through the elaborate explanation report that Julian provided him. "The reason that the evolution procedure cannot just be performed infinitely is that there is a time limit before the radiation administered becomes lethal due to overdosage. On Earth, this would be considered to be an Acute Radiation Syndrome."

Julian's report mentioned prolonged exposure to radiation was lethal. What he was surprised by was the fact that they didn't know why. Both Julian and the researchers treated radiation as a dangerous but largely unknown and inscrutable form of energy similar to that of light.

"So, they haven't yet come up with Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory or the Quantum Theory of light, huh?" Rui surmised. "They also haven't discovered DNA or a detailed structure and function of cells. It also doesn't seem like they have an accurately completed theory of the atom."

The research logs gave him a lot of insight into the scientific limitations of this world. While they possessed a large sum of knowledge on the many supernatural phenomena of this world, they did not develop deep scientific theories that explained the phenomena in this world.

Most of the research and development in this world was targeted around the esoteric and supernatural phenomena in this world. This neglected research into ordinary fields that looked at the more

this. In front of the many fantastical esoteric phenomena in this world capable of wonders, the ordinary phenomena weren't

body to are varied depending on which biological system they are evolving. To evolve the muscular system, they subjected the muscular cells to a substance via a potion that would force the muscular cells to consume a greater amount of energy to produce greater amounts of muscular force. The muscular cells that couldn't keep up due to being too weak would perish while the genetically best cells would survive. The new cells reproduced from these surviving cells thanks to the healing potions will have mutated even more than normal thanks to the dosage of radiation that causes more mutations from generation to generation to speed up the evolution process. The process repeats over and over again such that each generation of mutated muscular cells is much superior to the previous generation. By the end of the procedure, the newest of

would survive. The next generation of cells would inherit the superior genes with

with all biological systems and all types of cells being genetically far superior

there were constraints. Not only was there a maximum amount of radiation the body could be subjected to before it became dangerous and lethal, but there were also internal constraints to the body. Increasing the metabolic power and capability of each cell increased the

Squire breakthrough evolution process. The aim was to ensure that the balance suited the

Artists like Fae, increased power at the cost of stamina was desirable. It suited her style. She was a

hand, sacrificing stamina for greater raw muscular power was absolutely catastrophic for a Martial Artist

universally apply the exact same identical procedure to different kinds of Martial Artists. It would ruin their Martial Path.

muttered. "Her body was not only completely different that it used to be. But

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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