"I should purchase techniques that will allow me to deal with things I currently can't deal with." He murmured. As far as missions went, he was incompetent at shadow-class missions and sub-par as far as hunter-class missions went.

He had long wanted to do something about that, but each time a training stage came around, there was always something or the other of greater importance. Finally, he was at a stage where he could pursue it straightforwardly.

"Alright, time to nail these two issues," Rui murmured as he walked over to the stealth section of the Apprentice Library. It wasn't his first time going for a stealth technique, he had purchased Blink, after all. The problem was that Blink was highly limited.

For starters, it was beginning to become obsolete at the higher echelons of the Apprentice Realm as Martial Apprentices tended to have naturally strong senses and many of them did have sensory techniques as well. He needed to use it extremely carefully else it could actually turn out to be detrimental to him.

Furthermore, as a stealth technique, it only worked to evade human evasion when there were few humans. It was impossible to use Blink to bypass even decent surveillance.

He didn't hold it against the technique, of course. The technique had served him well and had saved him in truly desperate situations, but it was no longer adequate.

"Alright then," He murmured. "Let's see what we have here."

There were plenty of techniques that boosted stealth, but what he was looking for was a high-grade technique that wholistically gave him stealth. He glanced over at a technique that caught his eye.

[Dead Step]

that allowed the user to avoid the production of noise in the air by manipulating air via a coordinated breathing technique that cancels out the sound waves in the

year and a half ago when he had purchased the Blink technique. However, back then he hadn't cared all that

it was more alluring now, he still shook

something more potent.')

risen with each training stage. He wasn't interested in

through other techniques until he ran into something

[Void Step]

or compatibility with the technique, so purchasing it would be a waste of money. It was a shame, of course. He deeply desired the prowess the technique gave

on, shaking his

wasn't long before another technique lit his eyes up with

[Shadow Step]

maneuvering-based misdirection to conceal and obscure one's presence to a partial degree. It could only completely evade the senses of ordinary humans the way Void Step did with Martial Apprentices. It was only partially effective against Martial Apprentices under several conditions. It was less effective the closer the surveilling Martial Apprentice target was to him, and only worked if he was in the far peripheral ends of the target's vision.

his basic needs perfectly well. His biggest issue wasn't that he didn't have extreme stealth capabilities that allowed him to bamboozle Martial Artists the way

Commonwealth Duchy of Vinfrana and the Hefermaine Village would have

guarantee that he would master it as long as he

technique would provide him. The Mind Mask technique could allow him to significantly lower his presence, which

suspected he likely had an

plucked the technique scroll out of the slot, inspecting it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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