"Oh Ian?" Fiona laughed. "Ignore him, but be careful, he's really mad at you for beating him in the Martial Contest last year."

"I can tell." Rui sighed.

"By the way." Fiona turned to him."You're much stronger than you were a year ago, but you feel very weak, like a normal human, what's that about?"

"Ah… That's a mental technique I use to reduce my presence and danger so that normal humans don't get affected by me even if I don't maintain my emotions perfectly." Rui explained.

"Oh? Fiona's eyes flashed with curiosity. "How does that work?"

The two bantered for a bit before another individual entered the dispatch facility.

"Martial Apprentices, gather around."All of you are those who have, both applied for one of the two two squads of the dungeon team and all of you have been accepted for the respective roles."

"I am commissioner Feristen of the Martial Union in charge of the commission. I will be breaking down the mission for all of you once more."

He projected an image on a wall before gesturing at it. "The initial one percent core sovereign territory that every nation posses that cannot be infringed via mutual agreement is something that can be done with choice. Rest assured, the choice will be made by experts who will be part of the dungeon team who will carefully make the decision based off of the positions chosen by the smaller and weaker states as well as the largest and most powerful states that will make life easier for all of you."

Rui nodded. It made no sense to leave such a strategic militaristic decision in the hands of laymen like Martial Artists. Rui was not arrogant enough to believe that his previous life's memories and other cognitive advantages would somehow magically make him an expert in the field of militaristic strategy.

"Once you safely escort the dungeon team into and through the Serevian Plateau until you reach the Serevian Dungeon, you will escort and protect the dungeon team to the coordinates of the location chosen by the strategic department. Then you will form an perimeter around the dungeon team on hih alert as they begin the base formation." He paused.

"Once that occurs, the defensive squad will engage in standard location protection missions protective protocols, while the assault squad will begin engaging in expansion and seizing of territory. The variables will vary and you will be expected to consult the strategic department on the assaults conducted." The commissioner nodded. "The nature of the mission is such that very little can be concretely said beyond what I already have. The mission will commence in eighteen hours, be sure to be at this dispatch facility by then. It is recommended you finish all your paperwork well before then. You'll be meeting up with the dungeon team as soon as the mission commences. And with that, I bid all of you good luck. Perform well, and you may earn some extra bonuses."

before promptly exiting the


going back to

to come back half a day later." Rui shook

want to come over to my place?" Fiona asked she threw a

her gaze as he contemplated her offer, before shrugging. "Alright,

She grinned before dragging him by the

the office of the Martial Union, she waved to an extravagant horse-pulled carriage with the emblem of the

maid from within asked once she

a guest of the Roschem Manor." She

well, miss."

hopped in herself, patting the seat next

this is ok?" Rui asked,

let's go." Fiona

sitting beside her. Soon, the carriage began

we had was unlike any other fight I've ever had in

raising an eye. "Why do you

after seeing how far you're willing to persevere for the sake of pursuing your Martial Art… I got a little curious, you see." She continued, as she turned to face him. "I wonder what pursuing your Martial Path

that moment, Rui felt as though she had actually matured a lot since

hear." Rui nodded. "Have you named

"No. Why?" Fiona asked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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